Frequently Asked Questions
Bellow you will find a variety of common questions we receive on a regular basis, if you have any further questions please feel free to contact us via the contact us page.
Do you travel to other areas?
We are able to travel further afield than north Lincolnshire, Doncaster and Bassetlaw. However depending on distance this will have to be supplemented by a travel charge. For any quotes please do get in touch.
What is neurological physiotherapy?
Neurological physiotherapy is the treatment of problems caused by disorders of the central nervous system. The central nervous system comprises of the brain, spinal cord and associated nerves. These often present as weakness, paralysis, spasticity, walking problems, movement problems, reduced balance and difficulty performing everyday activities. We use a variety of principles and neurological specific knowledge to provide a specialist and patient centred physiotherapeutic approach.
Do you offer clinic sessions?
We are a community based service. We are able to access a clinic with an affilated practice however this incurs an additional cost which is reflected in the cost of a session. We do however access a range of setting for treatment, and offer a range of sessions from hydrotherapy, to gym sessions and even cycling at the Dome. These activities attach a small surcharge for using the facilities and we are happy to discuss these with you.
I have made an appointment for a relative, can I come and watch?
Yes, where appropriate and beneficial to the patient we are more than happy to accommodate supportive family as long as it is in the wishes of the patient.
Can you recommended other local health professionals? (such as Speech and language therapist or occupational therapists.)
Yes, as a company who has worked with a variety of teams, we have created great networks with fellow allied health practitioners. Not only can we recommend other professionals in your area, we are happy and would encourage working together to provide a holistic approach to your rehab.
Do I need a referral from my doctor or consultant?
No, you are able to independently refer yourself to physiotherapy if you believe we can help you towards your goals. You may be advised that you would benefit from physiotherapy by your doctor, however, their referral is not necessary.
Can I be treated through my insurance provider?
Yes, we are in the process of applying the new business to be registered with a range of insurance providers and frequently add new ones. If you have a cover letter granting physiotherapy funding, email us to see if we are approved provider through your insurance.
How many sessions will I need?
This would be something we would discuss during the initial assessment, there is no right or wrong answer and it would fully depend on your goals. As a company we would never pressure you into having more sessions than required and would never recommend more than we believed was necessary.